최병소 Korea, 1943
최병소는 1943년 대구에서 태어나 중앙대학교 미술대학에서 서양화를 전공했으며 대구에 거주하며 작업 활동을 하고 있다. 그는 국내 최초의 현대미술제인 대구현대미술제의 창립 멤버로 활동 했고, 1977년 도쿄 센트럴 미술관, 1979년 상파울로 비엔날레, 1981년 브루클린 미술관과 서울 국립 현대미술관 등 주요 그룹전과 2012년 대구 미술관 그리고 2016년 프랑스 생떼띠엔 근현대 미술관에서의 개인전 등 활발한 국제 활동을 하고 있다. 최근에는 국립현대미술관과 솔로몬 R. 구겐하임 미술관이 공동주최한 《한국 실험미술 1960-70년대》전에 포함되었다.
최병소는 1974년 <한국 실험작가전>과 1974-78년 <대구현대미술제>의 핵심 멤버로 활동하면서 개념적 설치 작업과 같은 전위적 실험 예술을 다수 보여 주었다. 또한, 그러한 작업들은 존재와 부재 그리고 허상과 실체에 관해 끊임없이 물음을 던지고 있다는 의미에서 현재의 작품과 맥락을 함께 한다.
최병소가 신문지를 이용한 작품을 제작하기 시작한 70년대는 기존의 보수적인 고정관념과 형식을 거부하고 혁신을 추구하는 전위적 예술이 세계 곳곳에서 활발히 전개되는 반면 사회 내부적으로는 유신 체제하에 언론은 통제되고 표현과 소통은 억압된 시절이었다. 그런 시대를 살고 있던 30대 초반의 청년 최병소에게 신문은 당시 가장 쉽게 접할 수 있는 대중 매체였지만 제구실을 하지 못한 언론에 분노하여 신문 기사를 볼펜으로 지우기 시작한 것이 그가 신문지 작업을 시작하게 된 계기였다.
최병소의 작업 방식은 우리에게 이미 잘 알려졌듯이, 신문지 위에 연필과 볼펜으로 선을 긋고 또 그어 새까만 선들이 전면을 덮고 마찰에 의해 종이가 군데군데 찢어져서 물리적 한계에 이르러 더 이상 작업이 불가능 할 때까지 지속되는 작업이다. 신문지 위에 까맣게 칠해진 표면은 언뜻 보기에 모두가 같아 보이지만 작가의 창조적 의지에 의해 끝없이 반복되는 인간의 노동과 시간은 예술적 실천으로써, 작품 한 점 한 점 속에 축적되어 하찮은 일상적 대량 생산물에 유일한 가치를 부여하고 일시적인 것을 영원히 지속 가능할 수 있도록 하는 것이다.
Choi Byung-So0170205 (1), 2017ballpoint pen, pencil and silkscreen on paper33.8 x 54.4 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-So0170205 (2), 2017ballpoint pen, pencil and silkscreen on paper33.8 x 54.4 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-So0210710 (1), 2021ballpoint pen and silkscreen on paper54 x 78 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-So0210710 (2), 2021ballpoint pen and silkscreen on paper54 x 78 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-So1973 독서신문, 2014 - 0140212ballpoint and pencil on newspaper40 x 54.7 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-So1973 독서신문, 2014 - 0140506ballpoint and pencil on newspaper40 x 55 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-So1973 독서신문, 2014 - 0140511ballpoint and pencil on newspaper40 x 55 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled, 1996ballpoint pen and oencil on newspaper55.5 x 80.5 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled, 2002ballpoint pen and oencil on newspaper55 x 81.5 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled, 2014ballpoint pen and oencil on newspaper54.5 x 81 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled, 2014ballpoint pen and pencil
on newspaper38.5 x 54.5 x 1 cm (반절) -
Choi Byung-SoUntitled, 2022photigraphic, glass
Choi Byung-SoUntitled, 2022photigraphic, glass, hanger, broken clock
Choi Byung-SoUntitled, 2022photigraphic, hanger
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0120104, 2012ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper54.5 x 39 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0121225, 2012ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper54.5 x 39 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0151116, 2015ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper47 x 32 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0151126, 2015ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper47 x 32 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0180309, 2018ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper160 x 125 x 1 cm (50)
63 x 49.3 x 0.4 in (50) -
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0180621, 2018ballpoint pen and pencil on paper210 x 164 x 1 cm (150)
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0180712, 2018ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper160 x 123 x 1 cm (100)
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0200215, 2020ballpoint and pencil on newspaper19 x 25 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0200217, 2020ballpoint and pencil on newspaper19 x 25 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0200220, 2020ballpoint and pencil on newspaper19 x 25 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0200227, 2020ballpoint and pencil on newspaper19 x 25 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0200302, 2020ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper120 x 80 x 1 cm (50)
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0200302, 2020ballpoint and pencil on newspaper19 x 25 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0200420, 2020ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper120 x 80 x 1 cm (50)
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0201021, 2020ballpoint pen and pencil on magazine17.5 x 12 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0201211, 2020ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper54.5 x 39 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0210101, 2021ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper39 x 27 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0210102, 2021ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper39 x 27 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0210103, 2021ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper39 x 27 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0210104, 2021ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper39 x 27 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0210105, 2021ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper39 x 27 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0210106, 2021ballpoint pen and pecil on newspaper39 x 27 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0210108 , 2021ballpoint pen and pecil on newspaper39 x 27 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0210110, 2021ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper39 x 27 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0210929, 2021ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper160 x 120 x 1 cm (100)
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0211003, 2021ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper39 x 54.5 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0211024, 2021ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper120 x 80 x 1 cm (50)
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0211112, 2021ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper160 x 120 x 1 cm (100)
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0211210, 2021ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper160 x 120 x 1 cm (100)
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0211213, 2021ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper120 x 80 x 1 cm (50)
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0220124, 2022ballpoint pen and pencil on magazine17 x 12 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0220305, 2022ballpoint and pencil on newspaper54.5 x 39 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0241219, 2024ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper54.5 x 40 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 0241223, 2024ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper54.5 x 40 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled - 202203, 2022ballpoint pen and pencil on magazine35.5 x 26 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled -0170507, 2017ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper47 x 67 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled -0200127, 2020ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper120 x 80 x 1 cm (50)
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 01209, 2012ballpoint pen on paper box2.5 x 6 x 2.5 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 01209, 2012ballpoint pen on paper box4.8 x 8 x 1.8 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 01209, 2012ballpoint pen on paper box8.2 x 4 x 4 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 01209, 2012ballpoint pen on matchbox8 x 2.7 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 01209, 2012ballpoint pen on paper box14.5 x 2.5 x 2.5 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 01209, 2012ballpoint pen on paper7.8 x 2 x 0.1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 01209, 2012ballpoint pen on paper box8 x 3.8 x 1.4 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 01209, 2012ballpoint pen on paper box4.5 x 2.5 x 2.5 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 01209, 2012ballpoint pen on paper box8 x 4 x 1.4 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 01209, 2012ballpoint pen on paper10 x 2.4 x 0.1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 01209, 2012ballpoint pen on paper box12 x 4 x 2 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 01209, 2012ballpoint pen on paper box10 x 4 x 2.8 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 0160820, 2016ballpoint pen and pencil on paper160 x 127 x 1 cm (100)
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 0170625, 2017ballpoint and pencil
on newspaper158 x 124 x 1 cm (100) -
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 0180205, 2018ballpoint pen and pencil on paper120 x 83 x 1 cm (50)
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 0180301, 2018ballpoint pen and pencil on paper160 x 125 x 1 cm (100)
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 0200203, 2020ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper120 x 80 x 1 cm (50)
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 0210107, 2021ballpoint pen and pecil on newspaper27 x 39 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 0210109, 2021ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper27 x 39 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 02201, 2022ballpoint pen on box3.1 x 7.2 x 2.9 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 02201, 2022ballpoint pen on box2.9 x 10.3 x 2.9 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 02201, 2022ballpoint pen on box4 x 10 x 4 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 02201, 2022ballpoint pen on box2.2 x 11.6 x 2.2 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 02201, 2022ballpoint pen on box4 x 9 x 4 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 02201, 2022ballpoint pen on box4.7 x 12 x 3.5 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 02201, 2022ballpoint pen on box3.1 x 6.9 x 3 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 02201, 2022ballpoint pen on box4 x 13 x 3.1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 02201, 2022ballpoint pen on box2.2 x 11.6 x 2.2 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 02201, 2022ballpoint pen on box3 x 10.7 x 3 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 02201, 2022ballpoint pen on box3.5 x 8 x 3.5 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 02201, 2022ballpoint pen on box3.8 x 8 x 3.6 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 02201, 2022ballpoint pen on box4.5 x 9.3 x 1.4 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 02201, 2022ballpoint pen on box2.2 x 16.5 x 1.5 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 02201, 2022ballpoint pen on box5 x 8.6 x 2.5 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 0220527, 2022ballpoint pen and pencil on magazine23.5 x 18 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 0220605, 2022ballpoint pen and pencil on magazine36 x 26.7 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled 0231130, 2023ballpoint pen and pencil on magazine26.3 x 18 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled-0150817, 2015ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper55 x 41 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled-0150818, 2015ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper55 x 41 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled-0161226, 2016ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper47 x 67 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled-0170131, 2017ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper47 x 67 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled-0170528, 2017ballpoint and pencil
on newspaper108 x 80 x 1 cm (50) -
Choi Byung-SoUntitled-0200110, 2020ballpoint and pencil on newspaper19 x 25 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled-0200203, 2020ballpoint and pencil on newspaper19 x 25 x 1 cm
Choi Byung-SoUntitled-0210607, 2021ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper120 x 80 x 1 cm (50)
Choi Byung-SoUntitled-20101127, 2010ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper54 x 41.5 x 1 cm