Jung Jin Korea, b. 1984
Jung Jin, who graduated from Seoul National University, creates multilayered paintings that are both physically and narratively complex. She often superimposes two-dimensional images reminiscent of graphic design on top of landscapes that adhere to the rules of perspective, and She also brings characters from mythology and fairy tales. The multiple layers of images that traverse different time and space within a single canvas, combined with the vibrant color, create tension. The fairy-tale-like scenes that appear in the personal landscapes reflect the artist's anxieties, rendering the viewer's gaze ambiguous.
Jung JinPlease 2, 2021acrylic on canvas130 x 182 cm
Jung JinPlease 3, 2021acrylic on canvas130 x 182 cm
Jung Jin나선형 바람이 불어 1 The Spiral wind blowing1, 2023acrylic on circular canvas90 x 90 cm
Jung Jin나선형 바람이 불어 2 The Spiral wind blowing2, 2023acrylic on circular canvas90 x 90 cm
Jung Jin드로잉-물위를 걷는 다리5 (극지의 항해자), 2024acrylic on canvas30 x 30 cm
Jung Jin드로잉-물위를 걷는 다리6 (러닝메이트), 2024acrylic on canvas30 x 30 cm
Jung Jin드로잉-시시포스의 하루1, 2024acrylic on canvas42 x 32 cm
Jung Jin드로잉-시시포스의 하루2, 2024acrylic on canvas42 x 32 cm
Jung Jin먼 옛날 어딘가에서, 2023acrylic on canvas90 x 90 cm
Jung Jin물 위를 걷는 다리1-(여행을 떠나는 항해자), 2023acrylic on canvas90 x 90 cm
Jung Jin물 위를 걷는 다리5- (극지의 항해자), 2024acrylic on canvas90 x 90 cm
Jung Jin물위를 걷는 다리3 (항해의 가운데에서), 2023acrylic on canvas90 x 90 cm
Jung Jin물위를 걷는 다리4-(세이렌의 노래) , 2024acrylic on canvas90 x 90 cm
Jung Jin바람과 함께 달리기 1, 2022acrylic on canvas90 x 90cm
Jung Jin바람과 함께 달리기 2, 2022acrylic on canvas90 x 90cm
Jung Jin별빛이 내리는 노란대각선 Yellow diagonal with falling stars, 2023acrylic on canvas90 x 90 cm
Jung Jin빛을 피우는 대각선 Diagonal lines that glow, 2023acrylic on canvas90 x 90 cm
Jung Jin시시포스의 하루1, 2024acrylic on canvas117 x 91 cm
Jung Jin시시포스의 하루2 A Day in the Life of Sisyphus, 2024acrylic on canvas117 x 91 cm
Jung Jin창문 너머의 밤 2, 2021acrylic on canvas100 x 80 cm