Heo Chanmi Korea, b. 1991
Heo Chanmi's paintings delicately imply small and subtle movements that are difficult to recognize, such as a scene of calm in a dream. For example, works tend to focus on capturing small, clichéd objects of urban life, such as grass between sidewalk blocks, magpies sitting on construction steel bars, and manhole covers on concrete roads. As such, her paintings focus on poetic places that do not meet the framework of standards or concepts that represent a purpose, even if they are not socially marginalized or isolated.
In Heo Chanmi's work, the existence of objects does not lead to an anecdotal context but rather reveals a careful intention to approach aspects of reality that are happening by emphasizing the physical specificity of objects and their surroundings. Such intention is well illustrated in her way of painting, and in particular, the delicate and subtle gray tone expresses the artist's perspective on the static world of objects like abandoned and abandoned. Motif's simplicity, immobile passivity, and subtle loneliness are like staying disconnected from objects that are far from the whole.
Heo ChanmiA stack of night, 2021acrylic gouache on canvas130.3 x 162.2 cm
Heo ChanmiAfter Storm, 2020acrylic gouache on canvas53 x 72.7 cm
Heo ChanmiAfter storm, 2020gouache on canvas100 x 72.7 cm
Heo ChanmiAfter storm, 2020gouache on canvas100 x 72.7 cm (40F)
Heo ChanmiAfter Storm, 2021acrylic gouache on canvas116.8 x 91.0 cm
Heo ChanmiAfter Storm, 2021acrylic gouache on canvas145.5 x 112.1 cm
Heo ChanmiCity Block, 2021acrylic gouache on canvas116.8 x 91.0 cm
Heo ChanmiCity Block, 2021acrylic gouache on canvas116.8 x 91.0 cm
Heo ChanmiCity Block, 2021acrylic gouache on canvas116.8 x 91.0 cm
Heo ChanmiCity Explorer, 2021acrylic gouache on canvas145.5 x 112.1 cm
Heo ChanmiDrawing, 2018acrylic gouache on paper27.2 x 39.4 cm
Heo ChanmiRural Block, 2021acrylic gouache on canvas116.8 x 91.0 cm
Heo Chanmi매일산책연습 Daily Walking Rehearsal, 2020gouache on canvas53 x 72.7 cm (20F)
Heo Chanmi매일산책연습_옥상하늘 Daily Walking rehearsals _Rooftop-sky, 2020gouache on paper56 x 76 cm
Heo Chanmi매일산책연습_옥상하늘 Daily Walking rehearsals _Rooftop-sky, 2020gouache on paper35.5 x 27 cm
Heo Chanmi매일산책연습_옥상하늘 Daily Walking rehearsals _Rooftop-sky, 2020gouache on paper39.7 x 30.7 cm
Heo Chanmi매일산책연습_옥상하늘 Daily Walking rehearsals _Rooftop-sky, 2020gouache on paper39.8 x 31.8 cm
Heo Chanmi매일산책연습_옥상하늘 Daily Walking rehearsals _Rooftop-sky, 2020gouache on paper39.9 x 30.2 cm
Heo Chanmi매일산책연습_옥상하늘 Daily Walking rehearsals _Rooftop-sky, 2020gouache on paper39.8 x 30.1 cm
Heo Chanmi매일산책연습_옥상하늘 Daily Walking rehearsals _Rooftop-sky, 2020gouache on paper64 x 85.5 cm
Heo Chanmi매일산책연습_옥상하늘2 Daily Walking rehearsals _Rooftop-sky2, 2020gouache on paper210 x 150 cm
63.5 x 90.5 cm -
Heo Chanmi매일산책연습_옥상하늘3 Daily Walking rehearsals _Rooftop-sky3, 2020gouache on paper210 x 150 cm
40 x 82 cm -
Heo Chanmi매일산책연습_옥상하늘4 Daily Walking rehearsals _Rooftop-sky4, 2020gouache on paper210 x 150 cm
86 x 53.7 cm -
Heo Chanmi매일산책연습_옥상하늘5 Daily Walking rehearsals _Rooftop-sky5, 2020gouache on paper210 x 150 cm
69 x 103 cm / 57.5 x 77 cm -
Heo Chanmi매일산책연습_옥상하늘6 Daily Walking rehearsals _Rooftop-sky6, 2020gouache on paper210 x 150 cm
48 x 68.5 cm -
Heo Chanmi매일산책연습_지붕바다 Daily Walking rehearsal _Roofsea, 2020gouache on paper70.5 x 48.5 cm
Heo Chanmi매일산책연습_지붕바다 Daily Walking rehearsals _Roofsea, 2020gouache on paper69.5 x 50 cm
Glass Haus of Hyundai Department Store, Mokdong October 12, 2022Heo Chanmi is participating in Dialogue , a group exhibition at Glass Haus of Hyundai Department Store, Mokdong. HEO CHANMI 《Dialogue》 12 October - 9...Read more -
MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART BUSAN April 1, 2022HEO CHANMI 《거의 정보가 없는 전시 AN EXHIBITION WITH LITTLE INFORMATION》 1 April - 17 July 2022 Museum of Contemporary Art BusanRead more -
Art Sonje Center January 20, 2022HEO CHANMI 《Minimalism-Maximalism-Mechanissmmm Act1-Act2》 20 January - 6 March 2022 Art Sonje CenterRead more